Inverness Cat Rescue strongly advises all cat owners to have their cats neutered at age 4-6 months. This will not only prevent more unwanted kittens in the future, but will help your cat to live a longer healthier life. Un-neutered male cats are at high risk of contracting fatal diseases such as F.I.V. (Feline Immuno-deficiency Virus), as well as requiring periodic treatment at the Vets for bite wounds inflicted by other cats while fighting. Neutered males tend to be more home-loving, and do not have the unpleasant habit of spraying their territory with foul smelling urine. Females also run the risk of catching life-threatening diseases if they are allowed to mate freely with whichever tomcats happen to be in the area, and one female cat can, in her lifetime, be responsible for 20,000 descendants. There are just not enough homes to go around for them all.